Important Topics to Prepare Mathematical Interviews

Important Topics to Prepare for Mathematical Interviews. Highly recommended notes for preparation for any interview related to mathematics. At the bottom, you can download a pdf.

Group Theory

Group theory is a branch of abstract algebra that deals with the study of mathematical structures known as groups. A group is a set equipped with a binary operation (often denoted as *) that satisfies four fundamental properties:

  1. Closure: For a and b in the group, a * b is also in the group.
  2. Associativity: For a, b, and c in the group, (a * b) * c = a * (b * c).
  3. Identity Element: There exists an element (often denoted as e) in the group such that for any element a in the group, a * e = e * a = a.
  4. Inverse Element: For each element a in the group, there exists an element (often denoted as a⁻¹) such that a * a⁻¹ = a⁻¹ * a = e, where e is the identity element.

Groups provide a way to study symmetry and transformations in various mathematical and physical contexts. Many mathematical structures and operations can be naturally described using group theory. It has applications in areas such as geometry, number theory, and quantum mechanics.
There are various types of groups, including finite and infinite groups, cyclic groups, permutation groups, and matrix groups, among others. Group theory is a fundamental tool in modern mathematics and has applications in diverse areas of science and engineering.

Ring Theory

Ring theory is another branch of abstract algebra that focuses on the study of algebraic structures known as rings. A ring is a set equipped with two binary operations, satisfying the following properties:

  1. Additive Group Structure: The set equipped with addition forms an abelian group. Meaning that addition is associative, there exists an additive identity (zero), and each element has an additive inverse.
  2. Multiplicative Closure: For any a and b in the ring, then a ⋅ b is also in the ring.
  3. Multiplicative Associativity: For a, b, and c in the ring, (a ⋅ b) ⋅ c = a ⋅ (b ⋅ c).
  4. Distributive Laws: a ⋅ (b + c) = a ⋅ b + a ⋅ c and (a + b) ⋅ c = a ⋅ c + b ⋅ c.

Unlike groups, rings do not necessarily require the existence of multiplicative inverses. If a ring has a multiplicative identity, it is called a unital ring or ring with unity.
There are various types of rings, such as commutative rings, and non-commutative rings.
Ring theory is a broad and important area of mathematics with applications in many areas, including algebraic geometry, number theory, and coding theory.

Vector Space (or Linear Space)

A vector space (or linear space) is a fundamental concept in linear algebra and functional analysis. The vector space must satisfy certain properties, and these properties are what distinguish vector spaces from other mathematical structures.

  1. Addition Closure: For u and v in the vector space, u+v is also in the vector space.
  2. Scalar Multiplication Closure: For any scalar c, cv is also in the vector space.
  3. Additive Associativity: For any vectors u, v, and w in the vector space, (u+v)+w=u+(v+w).
  4. Additive Commutativity: Vector addition is commutative, u+v=v+u.
  5. Identity Element: There exists a special vector called the zero vector such that v+0=v.
  6. Inverse Element: For every vector v, there exists a vector −v such that v+(−v)=0.
  7. Scalar Multiplication Associativity: Scalar multiplication is associative, c⋅(u+v)=cu+cv.
  8. Scalar Multiplication Identity: For any vector v, 1⋅v=v, where 1 is the multiplicative identity.

Norm Space

A normed vector space is a vector space equipped with a norm, which is a mathematical tool that assigns a non-negative real number to each vector in the space. This function, denoted by ‖·‖ (or sometimes ||·||), satisfies three key properties:

  1. Non-negativity: For any vector v in the normed vector space, the norm is non-negative: ∥v∥≥0. Furthermore, ∥v∥=0 if and only if v is the zero vector.
  2. Scalar Multiplication Compatibility: For any scalar α, ∥αv∥=∣α∣∥v∥.
  3. Triangle Inequality: For any two vectors u and v in the normed vector space, ∥u+v∥≤∥u∥+∥v∥.

A normed vector space provides a measure of the “size” or “length” of vectors. Common examples of normed vector spaces include Euclidean spaces R^n with the Euclidean norm, function spaces with appropriate norms, and spaces of sequences or matrices.
Completeness means that every Cauchy sequence (a sequence of vectors whose elements become arbitrarily close as the sequence progresses) in the space converges to a limit that is also in the space.
Normed vector spaces play a crucial role in functional analysis, a branch of mathematics that studies vector spaces of functions and generalizes concepts from classical analysis.

Banach Space

It is a complete normed vector space. Completeness ensures that the space contains all of its limit points, making it a “fully filled” space.
Formally, a Banach space is a normed vector space X over the real or complex numbers, equipped with a norm ∥⋅∥. Such that X is complete with respect to the metric induced by the norm. The completeness property ensures that every Cauchy sequence in X converges to a limit within X.
Common examples of Banach spaces include:

  1. L^p Spaces: The space of Lebesgue integrable functions on a given measure space, denoted as L^p, where 1≤p<∞.
  2. C([a,b]): The space of continuous functions on a closed interval [a,b] with the supremum norm.
  3. C_0​(X): The space of continuous functions on a locally compact space X that vanish at infinity, equipped with the supremum norm.
  4. l^p: The space of sequences whose absolute values raised to the power p are summable, where 1≤p<∞.

Banach spaces have important applications in various areas of mathematics, particularly in functional analysis, which studies vector spaces of functions. The concept of completeness in Banach spaces is analogous to the completeness of real numbers, and it ensures the existence of limits for certain sequences, making these spaces particularly useful for studying continuity and convergence in a broader context.

Inner Product Space

An inner product space is a vector space equipped with an inner product, which is a mathematical structure that defines a way to measure the angle between vectors and, consequently, their orthogonality. The inner product is a bilinear, symmetric, and positive-definite function.
Let V be a vector space over either the real numbers (R) or the complex numbers (C). An inner product on V is a function ⟨⋅,⋅⟩:V×V→R (or C) that satisfies the following properties:

  1. Linearity in the First Argument:au+bv,w⟩=au,w⟩+bv,w⟩.
  2. Conjugate Symmetry (Hermitian Symmetry): If V is over C, ‾⟨u,v⟩=⟨v,u⟩​, where ‾⟨v,u⟩​ denotes the complex conjugate of ⟨v,u⟩. If V is over R, this reduces to the usual symmetry property: ⟨u,v⟩=⟨v,u⟩.
  3. Positive Definiteness:v,v⟩>0
Common examples of inner product spaces include:
  1. Euclidean Spaces: R^n with the standard dot product.
  2. Complex Euclidean Spaces: C^n with the standard dot product.
  3. Space of Square-Integrable Functions: L^2 space, ⟨f,g⟩=∫f(x) ‾g(x)​dx.

Inner product spaces are essential in functional analysis and have applications in many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering.

Hilbert Space (HS)

A HS is a complete IPS. Completeness means that every Cauchy sequence in the Hilbert space converges to a limit within the space.
In addition to the properties of an inner product space, a Hilbert space must satisfy the property of completeness. That is, every Cauchy sequence {v_n​} in H must converge to a limit v in H.
Hilbert spaces play a crucial role in functional analysis, quantum mechanics, and various branches of mathematics. They provide a natural setting for studying infinite-dimensional vector spaces with an emphasis on convergence and continuity.

Metric Space

A metric space is a set equipped with a metric, which is a function that measures the “distance” between pairs of elements in the set. Formally, a metric space consists of a set X and a metric function d:X×X→R that satisfies three key properties for all x,y,zX:

  1. Non-negativity: d(x,y)≥0
  2. Symmetry: d(x,y)=d(y,x) for all x,yX.
  3. Triangle Inequality: d(x,z)≤d(x,y)+d(y,z) for all x,y,zX.

The metric d(x,y) is often interpreted as the distance b/w y and x. The concept of a metric space generalizes the notion of distance from Euclidean spaces to more abstract spaces.

Common examples of metric spaces include:

  1. Euclidean Spaces: R^n with the Euclidean distance as the metric.
  2. Real Line: R, with the absolute difference as the metric.
  3. Complex Plane: C with the modulus of the difference as the metric.
  4. Discrete Metric Space: Any set with the discrete metric, where d(x,y)=1 if xy and d(x,y)=0 if x=y.
  5. Subset of Euclidean Space: Any subset of an Euclidean space with the Euclidean distance restricted to that subset.

Metric spaces provide a general framework for studying the concepts of distance and convergence.


Topology is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of space that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, crumpling, and bending, but not tearing or gluing. It is a broad and abstract field that studies the basic notions of space and convergence without relying on the concept of distance.

  1. Topological Space: A topological space is a set X along with a collection of open sets satisfying certain properties.
  2. Topology: The collection of open sets in a topological space is called a topology. Different choices of topologies on the same set can yield different notions of convergence and continuity.
  3. Continuity: In topology, functions between topological spaces are often defined in terms of continuity.
  4. Homeomorphism: Two topological spaces are said to be homeomorphic if there exists a bijective continuous function between them, and its inverse is also continuous. Homeomorphisms preserve topological properties, so homeomorphic spaces are essentially the same from a topological point of view.
  5. Compactness: A subset of a topological space is said to be compact if every open cover has a finite subcover.
  6. Connectedness: A topological space is connected if it cannot be split into two disjoint non-empty open sets. Connectedness captures the idea of a space being in one piece.
  7. Manifold: A topological manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space. This concept is fundamental in differential topology and geometry.

Topological ideas and methods are used in various branches of mathematics, including geometry, analysis, algebraic topology, and differential equations.

Linear Operations (also known as Linear Transformations)

Linear operations, also known as linear transformations or linear maps, are fundamental concepts in linear algebra. A linear operation is a mathematical function between vector spaces that preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication. In other words, it satisfies two key properties: additivity and homogeneity.
In simpler terms, a linear operation distributes over vector addition and scalar multiplication.
Examples of linear operations include:

  1. Matrix Transformations: Let A be a matrix. The function T(v)=Av is a linear operation.
  2. Derivatives and Integrals: In calculus, the derivative and integral operators are linear operations when defined on appropriate vector spaces.
  3. Projection and Reflection: Certain geometric operations, like projections and reflections, can be linear transformations.
  4. Translations: In geometry, translations (shifting objects) are often modeled by linear transformations.
  5. Differential Operators: Operators such as the gradient, divergence, and curl in vector calculus are linear operations.

Linear operations are crucial in various areas of mathematics and its applications. They form the basis for solving systems of linear equations, understanding geometric transformations, and studying linear differential equations. The linearity property simplifies the analysis and computation of these operations, making them essential tools in mathematical modeling and problem-solving.

Real Analysis

Real analysis is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the rigorous study of real numbers and the properties of functions defined on them. It provides a foundation for calculus and lays the groundwork for understanding the concepts of continuity, convergence, limits, derivatives, and integrals.

Key topics and concepts in real analysis include:
  1. Real Numbers: Real analysis starts with a detailed study of the real number system, including properties of real numbers, completeness, and the least upper bound property.
  2. Sequences and Series: Analysis examines the convergence or divergence of sequences and series of real numbers. Concepts such as limit of a sequence, Cauchy sequences, and tests for convergence are fundamental.
  3. Limits and Continuity: The concept of a limit is central to real analysis, particularly in understanding the behavior of functions as their input values approach certain values.
  4. Differentiation: Real analysis provides a rigorous foundation for the derivative, including rules for differentiation, the Mean Value Theorem, and applications to the study of functions.
  5. Integration: The concept of integration is developed, leading to the definition of the definite integral.
  6. Topology of the Real Line: Open and closed sets, compactness, connectedness, and continuity in a topological sense are studied in the context of the real line.
  7. Measure Theory: For more advanced studies, real analysis introduces measure theory, which is a mathematical framework for defining and analyzing measures, integrals, and probability.

It provides a solid theoretical foundation for understanding calculus and lays the groundwork for more advanced mathematical concepts. Additionally, real analysis is important for the development of rigorous mathematical reasoning and proofs.

Complex Analysis

Complex analysis studies the functions of complex numbers. It extends many concepts from real analysis to the complex plane and introduces new phenomena that arise due to the properties of complex numbers. Applications in various areas of mathematics, physics, engineering, and other scientific disciplines.

Key topics and concepts in complex analysis include:
  1. Complex Numbers: a+bi, where a and b are real numbers, and i is the imaginary unit (i^2=−1).
  2. Analytic Functions: Functions that are complex differentiable in an open set are called analytic or holomorphc functions. The concept of analyticity is a central theme in complex analysis.
  3. Cauchy-Riemann Equations: These are a system of partial differential equations that characterize complex differentiability. Analytic functions satisfied CR equations.
  4. Contour Integration: Complex analysis introduces the idea of integrating complex-valued functions along curves in the complex plane, known as contours. The residue theorem and Cauchy’s integral formula are fundamental results related to contour integration.
  5. Cauchy’s Theorems: Cauchy’s theorems state various properties of complex analytic functions, including Cauchy’s theorem for simply connected domains and Cauchy’s integral formula.
  6. Residue Theory: Residue theory provides a powerful tool for evaluating complex integrals, particularly around singular points of a function.
  7. Conformal Mapping: Conformal mappings are transformations that preserve angles locally. They are important in complex analysis for mapping regions of the complex plane to other regions while preserving certain geometric properties.
  8. Power Series Representations: Complex functions often have power series representations that provide insights into their behavior.

Complex analysis has applications in various areas, including physics (quantum mechanics, fluid dynamics), engineering (electrical engineering, signal processing), and number theory. It also plays a crucial role in the understanding of special functions, such as the gamma function and Riemann zeta function. The beauty and utility of complex analysis make it a significant and influential branch of mathematics.

Vector Analysis

Vector analysis, also known as vector calculus, is a branch of mathematics that deals with vector fields and the differentiation and integration of vector-valued functions. It extends the concepts of calculus from functions of real numbers to functions of vectors in multiple dimensions. Vector analysis is particularly important in physics and engineering.

Key topics and concepts in vector analysis include:
  1. Vector Fields: A vector field is a function that assigns a vector to each point in space. Examples include velocity fields, force fields, and electromagnetic fields.
  2. Vector Derivatives:
    • Gradient: It is a vector field representing the rate of change of the scalar field at each point.
    • Divergence: It measures the rate at which the vectors spread out from or converge to a point.
    • Curl: The curl of a vector field represents the rotation or spin at each point in the field.
  3. Line Integrals: They are used to calculate quantities such as work done by a force along a path.
  4. Surface Integrals: Surface integrals involve integrating a vector field over a surface. They are used to calculate quantities like flux of a vector field through a surface.
  5. Stokes’ Theorem: This theorem relates the surface integral of the curl of a vector field over a surface to a line integral around the boundary of the surface.
  6. Divergence Theorem: This theorem relates the triple integral of the divergence of a vector field over a region to the flux of the vector field across the boundary of the region.

Vector analysis is a crucial tool in classical physics, electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, and other areas of applied mathematics. It provides a systematic and powerful framework for understanding and solving problems involving vectors and vector fields in multiple dimensions. The concepts of vector analysis are also foundational for more advanced studies in mathematics and physics.

Tensor Analysis

Tensor analysis, also known as tensor calculus, is a branch of mathematics that generalizes vector calculus to higher-dimensional spaces and provides a systematic framework for expressing and manipulating mathematical objects called tensors. Tensors are multidimensional arrays of numbers that transform in a specific way under coordinate transformations.

Key concepts and topics in tensor analysis include:
  1. Tensors: Tensors are mathematical objects that can be represented as multi-dimensional arrays of numbers. The order or rank of a tensor corresponds to the number of indices it has.
  2. Tensor Components: The components of a tensor are the entries in its array. The placement and number of indices on a tensor component determine its transformation properties under coordinate changes.
  3. Tensor Products: The tensor product combines tensors to create new tensors. For example, the outer product of two vectors results in a second-order tensor.
  4. Contravariant and Covariant Tensors: Tensors can be classified as contravariant or covariant based on how their components transform under coordinate changes. Contravariant tensors transform inversely to the coordinate system, while covariant tensors transform like the coordinate system.
  5. Metric Tensor: The metric tensor is a special symmetric second-order tensor that provides a way to raise and lower indices, connecting contravariant and covariant tensors.
  6. Tensor Derivatives: Analogous to partial derivatives in vector calculus, tensor derivatives involve taking derivatives of tensors with respect to a particular direction.
  7. Curvature Tensors: In differential geometry and general relativity, curvature tensors describe the curvature of a manifold.
  8. Tensor Fields: Tensors that vary with position in a space are called tensor fields.

Tensor analysis is essential in many areas of physics and engineering. Such as general relativity, fluid dynamics, continuum mechanics, and electromagnetism. It provides a powerful and general framework for expressing physical laws in a coordinate-independent manner.


The field of mechanics involves the study of the behavior exhibited by physical bodies when subjected to forces.

  1. Classical Mechanics:
    • Newtonian Mechanics: Developed by Sir Isaac Newton, this is the foundation of classical mechanics. It describes the motion of objects under the influence of forces and is based on Newton’s three laws of motion.
    • Lagrangian Mechanics: Developed by Joseph-Louis Lagrange, this approach reformulates classical mechanics. Defining the motion of a system in terms of the difference between kinetic and potential energy.
    • Hamiltonian Mechanics: Developed by William Rowan Hamilton, this is an alternative formulation of classical mechanics. Using a different set of equations, expressed in terms of generalized coordinates and momenta.
  2. Analytical Mechanics:
    • Celestial Mechanics: Focuses on the motion of celestial bodies, including planets, moons, and stars, under the influence of gravitational forces.
    • Rigid Body Mechanics: Deals with the motion and forces acting on rigid bodies.
  3. Fluid Mechanics:
    • Fluid Dynamics: Studies the motion of fluids (liquids and gases) and the forces acting on them.
    • Fluid Statics: Examines fluids at rest and the forces they exert on surfaces.
  4. Quantum Mechanics:
    • Quantum Mechanics: It is a fundamental theory that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales. It introduces concepts such as wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, and quantum states.

Both classical and quantum mechanics are essential pillars of physics.

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